This year’s edition of the Divine Speed Summit was held from Sunday, 29th May to Sunday, 5th June, 2016. The convention started in full force with Rev. Dr. Ampiah Kwofie preaching and ministering on Sunday through to Wednesday. The first few days were characterized by Word of knowledge, prophecy backed by the power of the Holy Spirit and thus, setting the tone for the rest of the convention. Minister Sonnie Badu continued from Thursday in an amazing and unexpected way, ministering the Word of God interlaced with music. The Summit ended on Sunday with a mega worship service led by the Senior Bishop James Saah and a musical concert by Sonnie Badu in the evening. It was a week of power, prophecy and praise depicting God’s power in an unprecedented way.
This summit has undoubtedly refueled God’s people with spiritual strength and guidance for the rest of the year and the church anxiously waits for the next annual convention; The Rhema Conference in August this year with the renown man of God Rev. Dr. Abel Damina